Monday, October 13, 2008
Off topic: Presidential Election Vent time...
So, as I've become an adult, and believe I am a little more mature than my high-school-age self, I've come to wonder WHY IN THE WORLD is there SO MUCH EMPHASIS on the presidential election, when truthfully, he doesn't do near as much decision-making as our congressmen and women. THEY are the ones we should be concerned about...their voting records, the issues they stand for, etc. But instead, all of the importance is placed on the glorified popularity contest that is our presidential election. This election is the silliest display of two bumbling idiots (will I get hauled off to Guantanamo Bay for saying that?) trying to win your vote with whatever they feel will get them elected. It's like the ditz campaining for class president who says, "If I'm elected class president, I'll get rid of tests! I'll make sure the cafeteria food is nothing but pizza and fries, and I'll shorten the school day by two and half hours!!! Vote for ME!!" All the while, she has ABSOLUTELY NO power to do ANY of these things she's promised. And everything she's said is nothing but pandering. When our candidates want to do nothing about our borders, it's not because they don't care whether our hard work is a joke for letting people illegally live here on our tab. It's because they want that particular demographic's vote. When they say they will create all sorts of new programs and reform ailing ones, it's (most of the time) not because they truly care that my child gets more funding for therapeutic services or that our elderly get a break on prescriptions they need to live a quality life. It's because they want the votes of those interest groups. They know they will not have half the power they need to accomplish anything. And that is disgusting.
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