
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So much FUN!

If anyone would have told me how much fun I would have being a mom, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Or how much I'd laugh. I am constantly amused and entertained by Evan. He is hilarious! I'm sure that this is the woman behind the mommy goggles speaking, but seriously, he is the funniest, happiest, most easy-going kid I've ever seen. Now, either he's storing it all up for the terrible 1.5-3's (because other parents have told me the phrase "terrible two's" is seriously misleading...) or I have just been that blessed. I get the biggest kick out of the faces he makes, the sounds he makes, the way he sits, holds his head, looks at me, claps his hands, waves bye-bye, and the list goes on and on. I'm so in love with him! It has certainly been a journey, and if we speak regularly you already know my struggles with forming a typical mom and baby attachment, all tied in really to the traumatic end to my pregnancy. But let me tell you, that is resolved! It feels so good to feel like his Mommy.

Anyhow, on this day one year ago, I was still lying in bed, feet above my head, in agony not from contractions but from the foot incessantly stomping on my bladder. I'm sure I had visitors, as our bible study group took turns visiting nearly every day, so that I wouldn't be alone all the time. I was probably, at this very moment (11pm), verbally processing through all the emotions in my head to one of my night nurses. God bless them...if they weren't delivering a baby in the next room or running or charting, they were chatting with me. And sometimes they were running to the fridge for chocolate mint cake from my grandma or Baskin Robbins ice cream that Paul went and got me because it sounded good. Enough reminiscing...there are pictures to post!

We went to the park with Evan for the first time ever, and he rode in the swing. It was a character building exercise, as I hadn't remembered to bring wipes to wipe off the swing before he touched it. Given the chances that it was probably sort of clean, and the desire to see him enjoy the swings before it got too cold out to take him, I had to get over it. And not just me...Paul too!

Paul pulled him in his John Deere wagon. We pulled the removable seat from the double stroller and put it in the wagon so he would be secure. He LOVES to be outside, and loves to go on walks.

I don't think any explanation for this picture is needed...he loved the swings, and Daddy pushing him of course.

When we were just about to leave the park, Paul noticed that one of the three toys (a purple block, this red truck, and a neon green ball) was missing. Sure enough, on the way back, we found the renegade green ball, just sitting in the grass alongside the road waiting for a ride back home. After finding it, I kept watching Evan to make sure he didn't drop any others. Well, we get ALL THE WAY to the back of our property and Paul notices the red truck is missing. Now, the red truck's monetary value is roughly 33.3 cents. But it's sentimental value is way way more than that. So, I turned around and walked back up the trail to the pond, around the back of the pond to the road, and up the drive to the road, still not finding the red truck, as I was certain he had "just had it!" Well, it must have been seconds after rescuing the ball that he dropped the truck. And here it is. Waiting to be rescued as well. The little stinker was dropping his toys along the way like little bread crumbs!!!


Adam and Becca said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN!!! My good intentions were to send a birthday card...but, well that hasn't happened. So amazing to see where a year has brought you guys! He looks like a bundle of fun!