
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

He loves to play in his crib in the mornings.
This was Evan and Landon after we tried FOREVER to get a nice picture of the two of them together.

Misty, Evan, Gavin, Shannon, Sam, Becca, and Landon.
We got to spend a few hours together while we were in town.

Evan and Davin, his cousin and best bud.

Evan thoroughly enjoyed fingerpainting some gifts.

Happy New Year to everyone! We continue to thank the Lord for the healthy little boy we have, and know that this year will be even better than the last. Though last year we spent the holidays in the hospital with Evan, we have found ourselves celebrating this holiday season as his first. It just feels that way to us, since he didn't come home until Jan. 12th.

We had an awesome Christmas last week. Evan has more toys than he could ever play with in a week. He also received an Evan-sized armchair and a toybox. You know, now that I think about it, he really didn't receive a massive amount of toys. It was just the right amount to keep him busy, and for me to cycle in and out of the mix so that he doesn't stay bored with what he's already got. We also got to spend some time with Becca and Shannon and their families. Shannon's kids are Gavin and Samantha (Sam) and they are almost 5 and 2 1/2. Becca had Landon Jan. 25th, which was the due date that she and I shared. So, Evan technically should be similar in size to Landon and doing similar things. And he is! It is so exciting. Evan is possibly a little taller, too. But Landon has about three or four pounds on Evan, and is walking. But it was so nice to see that for his adjusted age, Evan is right on track! Praise the Lord.

I'd like to ask you for your prayers for my little brother. I don't want to say too much, but just to say that he is having some health issues and is at Riley Hospital right now until they are under control. He's been having these same health issues for a year, and was taken to the hospital Sunday evening in South Bend, then transported to Riley to get them under control. He's still there, and possibly will be through the weekend.