All he does is walk!
It is really nice, though. I feel like he can't get hurt as much if he gets out of my sight as he could when he was crawling, because he doesn't try to pull himself up on everything anymore. He LOVES to escape from the living room by pushing the toybox barricade that I've created out of the way.
He's been sick the last few days as well. Thursday he had a fever of 102 and last night 103. No other symptoms, though. Makes me nervous that it could be one of those dangerous things like meningitis. Pretty sure that's not it, because it would have gotten worse by now. Just my worry-overdrive kicking in!
Joel came home from Riley on the 11th, and is still recovering at home. He's getting used to the changes, but it is still quite an adjustment. It seems that he is feeling better and better every day! He's been to school for some half-days, and has been able to hang out with some friends this weekend.
I'll try to add some pictures in the next couple days.
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