
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Long time, no see!

Scroll down and go backwards, because I posted pictures after writing the post and they ended up getting on there backwards, I think.

It doesn't look that bad, because I think it was squash or something lighter. But it had also sort of dried over the time I had let him sit and play, and tried to feed him from my spoon. So, even in the close-up, you can't see how dirty he actually was. It was bad. :)
He was such a mess! While we were easing him into eating foods, I had to just let him make a mess, feeling the food between his fingers, and playing with a spoon as I put food on it. Notice the trash bag. Needless to say, he got a bath just after this.
The first time Evan was actually excited to eat! In case you couldn't tell, it was carrots!
This is what happens when Grandma Rhonda gets him ready for bathtime.
Evan's trick in the swing. I was in the shower and came out to find him hanging off the side of it. It had stopped swinging because while these battery-powered swings are self-sufficient, they also depend on an even weight distribution. Evan obviously had thrown it out of whack.
Evan playing with his cousin Davin while we were there at the 4th of July. We enjoyed fireworks downtown Nashville, watching them from a distance on a bridge. Evan loved them.
His "before my first haircut" face. We had to cut his hair because he was growing a mohawk. And before you judge me for cutting my baby's hair while he was so young, you must know that I think the mohawk is the most back-woods hilljack thing you can do to your kids. AND I'm not into the three-year-old with a mullett look, because his mom was not willing to cut his hair!
His "after my first haircut" face.

Here is Evan with his adoring fans, Lindsey, Ashleigh, and Mackenzie. They are Laura's daughters, one of his primary nurses in the NICU. We went to the zoo with them back in June. It was a lot of fun, and Evan really did enjoy watching the animals.

SO sorry its been so long since we updated! Blogspot changed something with the log-in or username or something and for awhile I couldn't get in, and didn't have the patience to reset everything. I kept waiting for it to be resolved, and kept trying to remember my password, but ended up resetting it just now.

Anyhow, Evan's been busy since the last post. He's finally learned to eat baby food very well (if he likes it!) and is now rolling over both ways and can sit up totally independently. His therapist from First Steps continues to work on his putting weight on his arms so that he may crawl soon. He very adamantly resists this. He wants to stand and bounce ALL THE TIME!

I'll post some pictures so you can see what he's been up to!
I feel like there should be so much more to say, but with it being nearly three months since I was able to post, I feel like I don't quite know what else to say!

We just spent last weekend at his cousin Davin's 1st birthday party! His birthday was Tuesday, Sept. 9th (and so is his mommy's!). It was a great time to spend with everyone. John and Sheila (Evan's grandma and grandpa Briles) flew in, and all of Andy's immediate family and their respective families were there.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!